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About Us

Adventure is at the core of our heroes. Those that look at the status quo knowing that good, simply isn't good enough. Those that look at the unknown, the dangers that come with it and push forward to persevere. This is the heart of Boquete Coffee Company.  We make coffee for those on a journey. Whether you're roaming the world or climbing the corporate ladder, life is the adventure. We are here to give you the perfect cup of coffee to take on and conquer what lies ahead. 


We want you to get the most out of your voyage through life. That's why we thoughtfully and painstakingly craft our coffee. Exclusive, award winning coffee roasted in small batches from just a few farms that met our rigorous standards. For us there is no other way. Our obsession for attention to detail and treating people right starts with our farmers and extends all the way through our process to you. 


Great coffee alone wasn't good enough for us. We wanted to make sure that you feel good about it too. Forging the relationship with our friends and farmers in the highlands of Panama was as important to us as the coffee itself. This relationship gives us direct communication with them and allows us to ensure that they are treated right. 



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